JR TECH Summer 2008 Workshops
Registration has begun for the JR TECH Summer 2008 workshops! The JR
TECH is a program of the Cape Cod Technology Council,
and reaches out to students in grades 5-12 to offer workshops in the areas of Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math.
Summer 2008 Workshops available through JR TECH include the following:
Intro to ADOBE Flash - August 13th - Grades 9 - 12. Learn the basics of Adobe Flash. Flash technology is a popular method for adding animation to web pages, creating animation, advertisements, and for integrating video into web pages! Workshop will be held at Upper Cape Regional Tech School, in Bourne.
Photoshop Skills - Level 2 - August 12th & 14th - Grades 5-12. Create a design project using more advanced tools while working with nationally recognized designer, Andrew Newman. Basic Photoshop skills are a pre-requisite. Workshop will be held at Cape Cod Academy, in Osterville.
CSI - Marine Mammals - July 16th & 17th - Grades 9-12. Work with researchers at WHOI and be part of a team dissecting a non-endangered marine mammal to learn what caused its death. Workshop will be held at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), in Falmouth.
Marine Animal E.R. - July 15th thru 17th - Grades 5-8. How are they stranded and how are they rescued and released? Work with the experts - the educators and medical staff from the National Marine Life Center!
Through simulations, games and discussions, and hands-on activities, learn what it is like to work in a marine animal hospital! Workshop will be held at National Marine Life Center, in Buzzards Bay.
Coastal Investigations! - July 15th thru 17th - Grades 6-8. Have you ever studied the beach? Join us as we combine curiosity, computers and clam digging to carry out coastal investigations! Be prepared to get your feet wet! Workshop will be held at Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, in Falmouth.
For more information, or to sign up for any of the courses offered by the JR TECH, please go online to www.juniortech.org or call Phyllis at 774-994-2097.