Since we rolled out our Cape Cod Events application on Facebook this summer, we now have 70 users and 21 Fans of the application! From the Insight statistics available through Facebook's Developer tools, there are an average of 62 monthly active users. Because the application has not reached a large enough user base, we don't have specific demographic data available but can see that people who have added the application reside both on and off Cape Cod. The last three people who added Cape Cod Events to their Facebook profile live in Springfield, MA, Hawaii, HI and Boston, MA.
We consider the Cape Cod Events application to be a great success in Facebook, and are very excited about being able to share our Cape Events information using the Facebook platform. This is our first effort at extending our content into the social media world.
The Cape Cod Events application streams our content from our web site. is a free service offered to the Cape and Islands as a way to help promote and market events happening on the Cape and Islands.
Our web site receives a large amount of traffic, during the summer season we receive over 20,000 visits per month on average. We put together the following pie chart to illustrate the number of Visits per month has received over the past 5 months:
If you aren't using to promote your Cape and Islands events, we encourage you to do so today! It's free to use and our audience base keeps growing stronger.