Cape Cod Green Guide
If you're looking for ways to help reduce your human footprint, here are some simple and easy ideas you can implement today to be greener on Cape Cod…
- Replace light bulbs in your house with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
- Recycle paper, aluminum cans, plastics and glass materials at your local town dump
- Start a compost, and use it for your kitchen refuse. Make sure to read up on what materials to compost, and what to avoid putting in your compost. A good web site for information on composting is
- Buy foods locally whenever possible. Shopping at local farmer's markets is a great way to help sustain the local economy as well as provide better quality foods at your table. Edible
Cape Cod is a quarterly magazine that highlights the many local food options, season by season on Cape Cod. You can find out where to pick up a copy from their web
site, along with great recipe ideas.
- Avoid buying bottled water for your daily usage. Get a reusable plastic container instead. Nalgene produces great, low cost, safe polycarbonate bottles.
- Bring your own bag(s) with you when you go shopping
- If you don't bring your own bags, reuse the paper or plastic bags you receive at the store
- Set your thermostat at a lower temperature while you aren't at home and also when heading off to bed
- Turn lights off in rooms you don't need them on in
- Reduce the amount of time you spend in the shower
- Look for eco-friendly cleaning products, which you can either make relatively easily or buy. Seventh
Generation produces a great line of eco-friendly cleaning products, and offers coupons and specials offers through their web site.
- Launder your clothing and washables on cold
- Look for car-pooling or public
transportation options on Cape Cod for getting
- Bike or walk to places whenever possible
- Donate your old clothing to a shelter or thift shop
- Try shopping for "new" clothing at thift stores, or host a clothes swap with your friends