is the perfect web site to advertise your lodging and accommodation information. Best of all, participating in is FREE! To join and start listing your vacancies today, please visit and fill out the online application.
Our Cape Cod and Islands Current Vacancies web site has been around for over 11 years, and currently has 385 businesses participating. lists literally thousands of current vacancies for Bed & Breakfasts, Inns, Cottages, Guest Houses, Hotels and Motels, Camp Sites, Apartments and Weekly Rentals. Vacancy information on is kept current and fresh, which keeps our visitors coming back. receives strong, year-round web traffic from people actively searching for places to stay on the Cape and Islands.
We offer three different types of advertising options on Cape Vacancies to help increase your visibility. Running an ad on Cape Vacancies helps get your business seen by people actively searching for places to stay on the Cape and Islands. Visit to read more about advertising for summer 2008.
Start participating in today!