In case you hadn't heard the news, an epidemic has been wiping out bee colonies across the nation. Researches have been referring to this epidemic as colonie collapse disorder or CCD. While not conclusive that CCD is the only factor, there is most definitely a substantial decline in the overall number of bees. This is bad news for farmers and for everyone, as many of our agricultural crops are dependent on bees. In this article, we'll talk about ways you can introduce plants and herbs into your garden that will attract bees and help keep them buzzing about.
Fortunately, there are many, many plants and herbs to choose from which attract bees. We will focus on ones which typically thrive in the Cape Cod and Islands region. From the Herb family, one of the best options is Lavender. Not only does Lavender thrive in this area, but the Lavender flowers are a haven for bees. Other great herb plants which will attract bees include Mint, Rosemary, Sage, Basil and Bee Balm.
From the Perennial family, there are several colorful and fragrant options you can choose from. Hydrangea and Aster are both popular choices, easy to maintain, and are native to the Cape Cod region. Coneflowers also do very well in this region, and can attract bees. Other popular perennials to choose from include Dahlia, Foxglove, Clematis and Black-Eyed Susan.
There are many Trees to consider as well, when gardening for the bees. Magnolias are one option which typically thrive in this region. Linden, Maple, and Dogwood trees are also great choices that do well on the Cape and Islands.
To add to our list of suggested herbs, perennials and trees, you can search online or check with your local nursery for their advice. We hope that you will consider adding or augmenting to your garden with plants and trees which help promote healthy and happy bees. Happy gardening!